An Instagram Story is a 15-second photo, video, or photomontage embellished with filters, stickers, emojis, or text. Instagram Stories are automatically deleted after 24 hours. Originally Stories were Snapchat features, but this vertical mobile-first format has since been developed on Instagram. Of course, the purpose of Instagram Stories is to tell a story. They are spontaneous, sometimes moving, and show reality. It is very hard to design an effective Instagram Story. How to reach your audience and create successful Instagram Stories? Keep on reading!
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Define an Editorial Line
To be effective, Stories must be integrated into the brand’s social media strategy. As a brand, you probably know your objectives, your target, the subjects and themes to be broached. You have already defined the tone used and the publication schedule. The editorial line that will be defined must remain consistent with traditional Instagram publications and your brand’s values. For example, on Instagram, your feed must be consistent with your Insta Stories.
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Observe Three Essential Values: Proximity, Spontaneity, and Authenticity
Before you start testing stories for your brand, it’s important to understand and embrace the Instagram codes. Capturing real-life experiences is the essence of stories. Accordingly, you have to know that too much branding in your Insta Stories leads to a loss of authenticity. However, the feedback shows that the more spontaneous and less worked Stories obtain better results. According to professional influencers, this ephemeral and creative format is a real opportunity to get out of your editorial line and offer less formatted content. The opposite, however, is to adopt a tone that is inconsistent with your brand image. In a nutshell, you have to find the right balance.
Two elements are essential in order to enhance your Insta Stories visibility: engaging content and a regular publication. In order to spread your influence to your target audience, the use of hashtags is also essential. In order to do this, you have to define a list of keywords related to your activity. These keywords must be relevant to your target audiences. Then, choose among them the 5 to 7 most adequate keywords for each publication. In order to improve the aesthetics of a post, it is possible to hide certain hashtags on Instagram Stories. We have a suggestion for you: make your hashtags more discreet and eliminate hashtags on a story.
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Test All the Features Available
In order to perfectly understand Instagram Stories, dare to jump in and test all the features available. Many tutorials exist on the internet and offer to guide you in your first steps. You should start with simple things, then draw inspiration from accounts known for the quality of their publication. Follow these different steps, so you can understand this new content format. Social networks are constantly evolving and Instagram regularly adds new features to its stories. Also, do not hesitate to test each of them to discover the range of possibilities in terms of creativity. We encourage you to discover Mojo App, a tool that helps you enhance your instastories !